Eastside ATL

Variety Playhouse

Andy Summers (of the Police)



Variety Playhouse
1099 Euclid Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30307

In 2006 his autobiography One Train Later was released to great success and was voted the number one music book of the year in the UK. The film Can't Stand Losing You based on the book had a theatrical release in the US by Cinema Libre in March 2015. The DVD of the film was released on July 14th 2015, along with Andy's latest CD Metal Dog. Since that time he has recorded two more CDs Triboluminesence and Harmonics of the Night.

Recent photography exhibitions include A Certain Strangeness at the Pavillion Populaire in Montpelier France where it broke all attendance records, followed by a six month run at the Bonnafanten Museum, Maastricht in the Netherlands. The travelling exhibition was also seen at Leica galleries in London, Hamburg, Munich, Paris New York and Leica headquarters in Wetzlar, Germany.


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