Southeast ATL

Limelight Theater

Scene Study Workshop: With Taurean Cavins-Flores



Limelight Theater
349 Decatur St SE, Atlanta, GA 30312

Learn techniques to deepen your scene study skills in this day-long workshop that will give students an opportunity to dive into a scene work and explore moment-to-moment. If you enjoy making discoveries, sharpening your acting impulses, and enriching your emotional life in scenework, this class is for you.

Students will receive scene assignments September 8th, 2 weeks before class begins and are expected to come to class fully off-book, in order to explore the scene deeply. During class, you will be assigned your scene partner, and each pair will have the opportunity to work on their scene in-depth with the instructor.

Prerequisites: While there are no formal prerequisites, please note that this class is an intermediate/advanced course, designed for actors who have a moderate to strong foundation in acting.

Students must be 18+ to register.

Actors will work on:

Adapting to a scene partner

Trusting and following impulses

Mining the script for specificity

Breaking down beats moment-to-moment

� Deepening character work

Enhancing emotional connection to the script and character

Instructor: Taurean Cavins-Flores

Date: Sunday, September 22nd, 2024

Time: 10 am - 4 pm (a 30 minute lunch break will be included)

Cost: $150 per person

Student cap: 10

Registration: Please email Taurean- with your headshot and resume, and purchase your ticket.

Deadline to register: September 8th, 2024


Street parking is free on weekends. 5-hour free parking is available in the parking garage off the side street between Budi's Sushi and Limelight Theater where you will see the Pencil Factory Retail Parking sign. You MUST register your car using the QR CODE inside the lobby for free parking, and renew it after the 5 hours expire. Failure to register your parking in the parking garage may result in a car boot by the Pencil Factory management. Breakfast at Barney's parking garage is paid parking only. Please ensure you arrive early enough to find and register your parking!


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