Midtown ATL

Atlanta Symphony Hall

Stutzmann Conducts Bruckner

Nov 14-Nov 16, 2024


Atlanta Symphony Hall
1280 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309

Music Director Nathalie Stutzmann flexes the sonic muscle of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in Bruckner's heroic Fourth Symphony, a piece that conjures the mystic wonders of a forest primeval and explodes in a blaze of sunshine. Bruckner dedicated his "Romantic" Symphony to an Austrian prince. A century before, C.P.E. Bach dedicated a concerto to another royal King Frederick the Great, the flute-playing military genius. Harpsichordist C.P.E. Bach worked in the King's court and wrote genial, high-spirited flute concertos to perform alongside his royal boss. The ASO's own Principal Flutist Christina Smith performs as soloist.


C.P.E. Bach

Flute Concerto in D Minor


Symphony No. 4, "Romantic"


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